四年七季That’s it,the band is broken up 哭得不省人事...做好了马拉松的准备沐浴更衣虔诚观看像摔下去知道有人会接住你一样安心收尾的平淡似乎在佐证即使监狱里外都像炼狱好一似食尽鸟投林烂事还烂在原地故事依然继续尽管如此心底依然涌起一股忍受煎熬的力量感谢剧组对女性角色多样性无穷无尽鞭辟入里的塑造估计某地超英赶美几十年都难以望其项背bye bye Litchfield彩蛋哭到晕厥...爱人和世间百态真希望大家都能看看
I like Malcolm and Dewey and Reese, all these kids are great and talented people, but the parants is the worst parants ever, especially the mother, what a control freak, what a monster. She wants to control every single detail of the three olders' life and wasted all their telant, she deneys evey simgle choice made by the kids just to fulfill her own mortal standard, she destroyed all her children's life just to achive her own unfinished dream.